Our little two-year-old, Ava, is going to keep us on our toes for a long time. This little girl is quite a clever little character. To illustrate my point, here are a couple incidents that have happened just in the last couple of days:
1. She was in a bit of a grumpy mood and was sitting in front of me with a little scowl on her face. I said, "That's not my Avie. My Avie smiles and is nice." She replied, "Harry Potter magicked me and made me naughty!"
2. Tonight was Family Home Evening which is something our girls love. We decided to get things going while we were all hanging out in our bedroom (not our usual FHE location). Ava wanted to go downstairs to the family room where we usually have it. Tom said no and that we'd have it upstairs this time. So we got things started and it was Ava's turn to be in charge of the songs. Her first selection was "Go Diego Go" (typical) and her second was "Do as I'm Doing". As we started that one, she got up and started marching in place. So we all got up and started marching along with her. Then she started marching out of the room so we all started following her out of the room. Then she went down the stairs and Ella was the only one following her. Tom and I were still upstairs, not quite sure where she was going with it. Then, still not missing a beat in the song, she continued into the family room and onto the couch. When we realized what she was up to, we had to give her props. That was a pretty ingenious way to lure us all downstairs to her chosen FHE spot. We laughed pretty hard and ended up down where she wanted us after all.
I can't help but think she is honing her clever little skills for when she becomes a teenager and they'll really come in handy.
I love it, we definetly don't give our kids enough credit sometimes! You have a way of putting it into words that make it even funnier!!
I love your new header. Super cute.
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